
Subletting your Vonovia apartment

What is subletting?

Subletting – the right way!

Frequently asked questions

“My Vonovia” app

Illustration zweier Hände. Die obere, mit blauer Kleidung hält einen Schlüssel. Die andere Hand mit gelber Kleidung hält sich offen unter dem Schlüssel.

Subletting: What you should know as a tenant.

What does subletting mean? What rights and obligations are involved? And what’s the best way to go about subletting parts of your apartment as a tenant?

You’ll find answers to all of the important questions about subletting your rental apartment on this page. Our customer service team is also happy to help if you have any further questions. Feel free to get in touch!

What is subletting?

Subletting is when 

  • You, as the main tenant, allow somebody else to use parts of your rental apartment for an extended period
  • That person pays you rent in return  

Subletting requires our approval!

The lease agreement for your apartment is solely between you and Vonovia, so we need to agree to any additional person living there. In other words, you require our approval for any subletting arrangement. Please note: This still applies even if your roommate will not be paying you rent.

But don’t worry, our step-by-step guide will quickly take you through the process of submitting a subletting application.

Subletting is generally permitted.

You are usually allowed to sublet parts of your rental apartment if it is large enough. It’s also important that you have a “legitimate interest” in doing so – in other words, good reasons to enter into a subletting arrangement.

For example:

  • You might wish to pay less rent
  • You’ll be spending a lot of time away from home over an extended period
  • You no longer want to live alone

The potential consequences of unauthorized subletting.

If we have not approved a subletting arrangement, we first speak with the tenant and try to find a good solution with them.

If this doesn’t lead to a successful outcome, we follow the provisions of the German Civil Code (BGB). First we send a warning notice, because the subletting arrangement contravenes the lease agreement. Then we may take legal action to demand that the subletting arrangement be terminated. Finally, we may also terminate our lease agreement with the tenant without notice.

It’s not too late to request approval!

But it need not come to this. Perhaps you didn’t realize that you require our approval to sublet parts of your apartment? Here at Vonovia, we also accept retrospective applications. There’s no need to fear retroactive problems or penalties – we just want to work with you to ensure everything is legally above board.

Visitor or roommate?

It goes without saying that you are free to receive visitors in your apartment as often as you wish. And they are welcome to stay for quite a while – six to eight weeks is perfectly fine. If your visitors stay longer than that, however, they will then be considered roommates and you will need our approval.

Subletting – the right way!

Here’s our step-by-step guide to subletting with Vonovia. Ensuring you’re on solid ground from the outset.

Illustration einer Person die auf einen schwebenden Zettel schaut, auf dem eine Tabelle mit + und - ist.

Step 1: Think it through again

Are you fully aware of your obligations as a sublessor? For example, you will be liable for any damage caused by your subtenant. Have you carefully considered the potential changes to your routine and sense of well-being from having an additional person in your apartment? 

Illustration einer Person mit zwei Koffern in den Händen und einem großen Fragezeichen.

Step 2: Establish your “legitimate interest”

It’s beneficial to have a “legitimate interest” when you want to sublet parts of your apartment. For example, you may wish to pay less rent. Other possible reasons may be that you’ll be spending a lot of time away from home over an extended period or no longer wish to live alone.

Illustration eines Handys mit der 'Mein Vonovia'-App und einen grünen Haken.

Step 3: Complete the application

The simplest way to do this is in the “My Vonovia” app, where you can directly access the application form and step-by-step guide. However, you can also phone us to request the form. We will then email it to you so that you can complete it. 

Illustration eines Handys mit der 'Mein Vonovia'-App und einem Brief der versendet wird.

Step 4: Submit your application to Vonovia

Once you’ve completed the form on the “My Vonovia” app, your application is automatically submitted and you can review its status at any time. Alternatively, you can use the contact form available at kontakt.vonovia.de – where you can also attach PDF files. You can expect to receive our decision within 14 days.

Einfache Illustration zweier Personen mit einem Mietvertrag und einem Schlüssel.

Step 5: Sign a subletting agreement

Once you receive our approval, you should make sure to establish a subletting agreement setting out all of the key rights and obligations of the sublessor and subtenant.

Frequently asked questions

Subletting in general
Subletting application
Rent and ancillary expenses
Subletting arrangement

Already installed our app? Enjoy convenient, all-inclusive services

At Vonovia, we've made it easy for you to manage your tenancy with our dedicated customer app. You can access documents and view ancillary expenses as well as adjust payments and book repairs.

You can also find the subletting application form, which you can complete and submit in the app. Upload the necessary documents directly in the app and review their status at the click of a button.


Any questions? We’re here to help!

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