We’re here for you
Vonovia is a service-oriented housing service provider. You’ll find helpful information and important contact details on this page. We look forward to taking care of your request!
Frequently asked questions
You'll find answers to frequently asked questions in our FAQ. Just choose the appropriate category to find the answers you’re looking for.

“Mein Vonovia” customer app
With the "My Vonovia" app, you can find your apartment, conclude the lease agreement digitally and then keep an eye on all the essentials on your smartphone.
- Find a home
- Send messages using the digital mailbox
- View ancillary expenses and adjust advance payments
- Request repairs
- View documents
Forms and downloads for various requests
It's often helpful to have the right document on hand when you're submitting applications or checking important information. Our customer app makes this simple and convenient. You can submit applications and download certificates in the “Service” section. You’ll also find a selection of forms and downloads on this page.
Customer service
We speak english
In case of any enquiries concerning customer service you can call us Mondays to Thursdays from 08:00 am to 06:00 pm and Fridays from 08:00 am to 03:00 pm. If our coustomer service agent doesn’t speak English, we can offer an English callback in any case.
Biz Türkçe konusuyoruz
Müşteri hizmetimize yönlendireceğiniz sorular ve talepler konusunda veya bize Pazartesi-Perşembe günleri 08:00 ila 18:00 ve Cuma günleri 08:00 ila 03:00 saatleri arasında arasında telefonla ulaşabilirsiniz. Çalışanlarımız Türkçe konuşmuyorlarsa, en azından Türkçe konuşan birinin size dönüş yapmasını sağlayabiliriz.